
gathering of earthly gods

Shiwan Wares from the Collections of the International Shiwan Ceramics Association


大紅釉 Bright Red Glaze
孔雀綠 Peacock Green Glaze
孔雀藍釉 Peacock Blue Glaze
月白釉 Moon White Glaze
水白釉 White Slip Glaze
牙白琺瑯釉 Ivory White Enamel Glaze
牙白釉 Ivory White Glaze
古銅釉 Bronze Glaze
白魚子紋釉 White Fish-Roe Glaze
白釉 White Glaze
石榴紅釉 Pomegranate Red Glaze
仿白定釉 Imitation of White Ding Kiln Glaze
仿吉州魚子紋釉 Imitation of Jizhou Kiln Fish-Roe Glaze
仿汝綠釉 Imitation of Ru Kiln Green Glaze
仿哥釉 Imitation of Ge Kiln Glaze
仿龍泉釉 Imitation of Longquan Kiln Glaze
灰白魚子紋釉 Greyish-White Fish-Roe Glaze
灰白琺瑯釉 Greyish White Enamel Glaze
青白釉 Greenish-White Glaze
紅釉 Red Glaze
祖唐居醬黃釉 Zutang ju-type Brown Glaze
粉白釉 Powder White Glaze
粉青釉 Light Green Glaze
粉藍魚子紋釉 Light Blue Fish-Roe Glaze
粉藍釉 Light Blue Glaze
純白釉 Pure White Glaze
茶葉末釉 Tea-Dust Glaze
天藍釉 Sky Blue Glaze
深藍釉 Dark Blue Glaze
硃紅釉 Cinnabar Glaze
湖水綠釉 Sea Green Glaze
紫金釉 Café-au-lait Bronze Brown Glaze
綠釉 Green Glaze
蔥白釉 Onion White Glaze
藍釉 Blue Glaze
醬黑釉 Brownish-Black Glaze
醬釉 Brown Glaze
蟹青釉 Crab Green Glaze
鐵鏽紅釉 Rust Red Glaze
鱔魚黃釉 Eel Yellow Glaze
白釉掛綠 Green Overlay Glaze
仿唐三彩 Imitation of Tang Sancai Glaze
多色花盤釉 Polychrome Flower Pot Glaze
多色釉 Polychrome
金醬釉 Golden-Brown Glaze
粉彩 Famille Rose Enamels
彩釉雕貼 Cinnabar Glaze
羽毛班釉 Feather Glaze
玳瑁釉 Turtle Glaze
班毛釉 Fur Skin Glaze
班釉 Tiger Skin Glaze
彩釉 Colored Glazes
混色 Mixed Glaze
混色袁湖記釉 "YuenHuJi" type Mixed Glaze 
三稔花釉 Sour Carambola  Glaze
鈞釉 Jun Glaze
鈞釉加彩釉 Jun Glaze with Color Overlay
無錫釉 WuXi Glaze
翠毛釉 Blue Feather Glaze
結晶窯變釉 Flambe Crystal Glaze
結晶鐵鏽花釉 Iron Crystal Glaze
紫均釉 Purple Jun Glaze
窯變釉 Flambe Glaze
赭鈞釉 Reddish-brown Jun Glaze
藍鈞釉 Blue Jun Glaze
鐵鏽花釉 Iron Rust Glaze
加彩多色 Polychrome with Overlay
仿舒窯 Imitation of Shu Kiln Glaze
青花釉下彩 Underglaze Blue Glaze
胎毛-拉胎毛 Lined in Biscuit Hair
胎毛-梅花點胎毛 Plum Blossom Spots and Biscuit Hair
胎毛-喙胎毛 Chiselled in Biscuit Hair
胎毛-鈐壓胎毛 Imprinted with Biscuit Hair
胎毛-雕胎毛 Carved in Biscuit Hair
胎毛-劃胎毛 Incised with Biscuit Hair
胎毛-劃胎毛加珍珠 Incised with Biscuit Hair and Pearl
素胎加金漆 Gold Lacquer on Biscuit